Great Expectations.bmp  有幸認識這首歌,是因為1998年的電影【烈愛風雲 Great Expectations】,每次這首歌的旋律搭配電影畫面響起時,都會讓我想哭,旋律實在太美了!而聽這首歌時,也會連帶想起這部電影劇情及其所帶來的情感渲染,這部由導過【人類之子 Children of Men】、【哈利波特之阿茲卡班的逃犯 Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban】的導演艾方索柯朗執導,我真的蠻喜歡這部片的!是一部每次看都會感動的電影,而配樂是超級好聽,適時的搭配劇情走向總是能讓人一同感受角色的情感起伏。
  Life in Mono收錄於英國兩人團體
Mono1997年發行的專輯﹝Formica Blues﹞及【烈愛風雲】電影原聲帶。
  另一首插曲-Pulp的Like a Friends也是選曲選得極好,節奏慢慢越加越快,苦戀的心情似乎也隨著一觸即發。選自他們1998年發行的專輯﹝This Is Hardcore﹞。以下是這兩首MV(at youtube)。


Life in Mono
(Formica Blues)

The stranger sang a theme,
From someone else's dream
The leaves began to fall
And no one spoke at all
But I can't seem to recall
When you came along

I just don't know what to do

The tree-lined avenue
Begins to fade from view
Drowning past regrets
In tea and cigarettes
But I can't seem to forget
When you came along

I just don't know what to do


Like A Friend
(This Is Hardcore)

Don't bother saying you're sorry.
Why don't you come in?
Smoke all my cigarettes - again.
Every time I get no further.
How long has it been?
Come on in now,
Wipe your feet on my dreams.

You take up my time,
Like some cheap magazine,
When I could have been learning something.
Oh well, you know what I mean.

I've done this before,
And I will do it again.
Come on and kill me baby,
while you smile like a friend.
And I'll come running,
Just to do it again.

You are the last drink I never should have drunk.
You are the body hidden in the trunk.
You are the habit I can't seem to kick.
You are my secrets on the front page every week.
You are the car I never should have bought.
You are the train I never should have caught.
You are the cut that makes me hide my face.
You are the party that makes me feel my age.

Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid.
Like a plane I've been told I never should board.
Like a film that's so bad but I've gotta stay til the end.
Let me tell you now,
It's lucky for you that we're friends.

Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid.
Like a plane I've been told I never should board.
Like a film that's so bad but I've gotta stay til the end.
Let me tell you now,
It's lucky for you that we're friends.

◎﹝Great Expectations The Album﹞之專輯封面來源自博客來音樂館

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